hey yall, I have tons of weird dreams, if these blurbs from bits and pieces interest you lmk and ill publish some of the really interesting ones I have
(feel free to read as much or as little as you like of them)
Dream 1:
okay so im pretty sure it was just sleep paralysis but I had a view of my room. its usually pitch black in my room when I sleep cuz Im a sensitive sleeper but anyways, I was mid "transition" from one dream to the next, all I remember was a neon blue sky and a very large goose consuming me, as I went down its throat it shifted into my room.
above my wardrobe towards the end of my bed sat these two Harpy-like creatures. they reminded me of something out of the Labyrinth. they were like these Jim Henson's creatures.
the one on the left had a human face, but it was like a really ugly blonde child with these fat jowls that sagged past its chin. it had a mere tuft of thinning hair and bulging blackened eyes much like those on shrimp. the neck of the creature was that of a sickly old woman with skin tags all over, and the "flesh" of this creature continued down to the chest of it ending in what looked like boobs but were just these nippleless veiny flaps. gross right?
the rest of the body was that of a buzzard and I noticed that both we're molting their feathers and that it produced a foul stench that reminded me of the zoo.
the other bird was much like the previous one in body, but where the neck was supposed to lead to a head, it instead extended in and out this kind of tar/oil covered head-like shape that was also somewhat human. I distinctly remember being able to define where its eye sockets were and below that was just kind of a drippy amalgamation that reminded me of a broken/ unhinged jaw.
the bird on the left spoke as the bird on the right extended and contracted its neck uncannily yet still similar to how birds do
I did not understand the speech of the birds, but I did understand the tonal message, I was being interrogated, and somewhat unfairly at that. it seemed that no matter how I would respond nothing would appease them, so after a telepathic back and fourth where their body language represented their unstable and impatient attitude,
I started out right denying to speak with them. this made the birds extremely unhappy. the one on the right extended its neck about 8 feet to wear its head met the side of mine and it whispered to me something indistinguishable from 10,000 whispers. yet the message had sent a chill down my spine.
its neck slowly slithered back into its body as the room was quiet with my own fear. before I had a chance to process they had flapped their wings and we're shrieking. musty molted feathers flooded the air and soon started to suffocate me and my vision. I had pleaded "No!" until it became no more than a mutter and I shortly woke up in the perspective of where my nightmare had taken place before turning over and going back to bed.
Dream 2:
I had been sat at a table before my dearest friends, or more like hollow papier-mâché replicas of them
before me on the table was a live mouse in a clear plastic container seated on a white ceramic plate.
the replicas of my friends did not speak, yet I felt judged and pressured. I started sweating with anxiety before taking the lid off of the container picking the mouse up, and as I held it in my hand it felt warm and soft and I felt its breathing pushing against my shaking grip.
after this brief moment that felt like an hour, I then began to devour the mouse to my own horror. fortunately for you reader I will spare you the intensely real details my mind subjected me too. but unfortunately for me, after this action I had finally felt like I had control of my body again, and the remnants of what I had done was stained in my hands and spilled onto the plate.
the hollow figures representative of my friends were now facing away from me. I no longer felt judged but the guilt of what I had experienced overwhelmed me and I broke down crying before falling into a different dream.
anyways thats all I have for now. sorry they're kinda bummers, I dont remember my dreams most times unless I write them down but because of the graphic nature of these dreams they had stuck with me and I wanted to get rid of that weight.
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