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Category: Life

Day 106 of going to art until i make my teacher proud for once

Bad day! So bad! Terrible! (It was an art day)

  • Perfect picture
  • Under pressure 
  • My life is like a video game
  • Woe is me!!
  • Reading plans
  • Quote of the day 

Today was my school picture day! I actually like this day a lot. It's so fun for me. I love variety in my normal school schedule, you know what they say...variety is the spice of life. So, I loved this. I had a massive zit on my face though, feels bad. My skin is always clear and then when something like this comes up there's a zit, not just a normal zit but it's always a massive one. Why?? Anyway, photos were fun. We got sorted by height and every year, there's this one kid, he's about my height, we're both kinda short. So anyway, we're lining up for photos and every year he always claims to he taller than me, I'm Slightly taller than him but it's too small to notice so I let him have it, what's one position forward in the line gonna do but then every year, I let him have it and then his friends are always like, "I think Moth is taller than you" "hey, so-so, doesn't moth seem to be taller than him" "yeah, you're right" and then I move a position forward and he always looks so sad. Poor guy. 

My joy from the photo day was short lived however, it's an art day. I sound like my English teacher, any day of the week, when she's in a bad mood and yells at someone who didn't deserve she's always like "I'm sorry, puppet, it's a Monday" and it's never Monday. I'm gonna start saying this, to anyone who was in contact with me today and had to deal with my terrible mood, I'm sorry, puppet, it's an art day. Though art was ass. Like, Death Grips was getting me through it. I listened to so much Death Grips, it's unhealthy. Anyway, I gotta finish my project by Monday and my teacher is excited to see it. She's always so excited to see my projects. Getting excited to see my art project is like getting excited for the new Drake release, drop me, miss. Like, miss, I'm not gonna get better. I think she likes my art style, every one has a very fine art style and then here I am with my shitty, exaggerated cartoon style, think Beavis and Butthead. I used to practice caricatures so that's where it comes from. It's a breath of fresh air, right? Like, I must bring out some nostalgia in her since she grew up with those gross out, 90s and 2000s shows. Uggghhhhh....fine...I've persuaded myself, now I wanna make her proud. I'll do it! Let's put all my effort into this!

Recently, I've been reading Masters of Doom about the guys who made Doom and they're such devoted programmers, it's so cool even though I'm new to this whole programming but I'm gonna try to make a game. Atleast try! I might ditch that though, im not a very committed person... says the guy with a 106 part blog series. But in other regards, Im not, I do actually want to make this though. I'll start with something small. I didn't exactly have an idea so I went onto and saw there was a fishing game jam so I thought "why not?" And then I came up with all these concepts for a fishing game, it might be too ambitious but I'm excited to make this or atleast try to. Im such a pushover, I watch a movie about bowling, I wanna bowl, I see volleyball tiktoks, I gotta play volleyball, I read Masters of Doom, I gotta make a game. I actually hope this sticks though. I need to make my fishing game. You guys will roll your eyes but I will find it funny. So many puns. I have decided not to include a master baiter pun, so atleast there's none of that old joke. I almost did though, be grateful I didn't. Master baiter is kind of funny though. You must admit.

Oh, yeah, you know what made art worse? I didn't talk to the girl there! What is wrong with me??? I need to talk to her before she loses interest, it's been nagging me, I have to talk to her. Just say hi, it's not that hard, just say hi!!!! Say, hi, hey, hello, yo, whats up, my oh me, oh boy. Why is this so hard for me??? And she's interested in me! Am I stupid?? This is what I wanted when I started, a girl to be interested in me. Can I just gush about her please? Finally I'm not talking about middle aged woman, right? She's really beautiful in her own way. Not saying she's ugly or anything but like you ever just look at someone and not think too much of them and then you start to have these little interactions and you start noticing, I like her hair or I love her freckles, I love her glasses, her laid back attitude, her nonchalance. Im getting corny, let's cut it there. I used to find her really intimidating but she's so gorgeous to me. Guys, I may be in love with someone who isn't double my age! I have to pursue this! I can't date a woman who's old enough to be my mom! I will talk to her next week!! I will, if I don't, I'll... I don't know, like give up coffee until I see her again. That's good! If i don't speak to her next week, I'll give up coffee! Hold me to it!

Let's talk about my reading plans. I have gotten much faster at reading. I can knock a book in a week, maybe two when it used to take a month or two. This puts me in a nice schedule. I need to get a balance between classics, contemporary fiction and non-fiction. So I read Hamlet and now I'm reading a non-fiction and then when that's done, I go to the library and get myself a contemporary book. I don't have any other books in my sight except Dorian Gray. That's it.

"When you reread a classic, you do not see more in the book than you did before; you see more in you than there was before"

This quote is self explanatory, I don't need to explain it but I felt this when rereading Hamlet and I will again when I watch Hamlet live, I have that to look forward to atleast. 

Anyway, goodbye, good night, thank you for reading! 

10 Kudos


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