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Category: Life

Day 104 of creating a game as good as doom so the masses will play

Big day! Big day today! We Ballin, things are looking up! So much to talk about!

  • The Only Thing They Fear is me...Sue Sylvester
  • Hamlet! Hamlet! Hamlet! 
  • You're my social butterfly...
  • Tea Review 
  • Many tiny bookses 
  • Quote of the day!

So, the first headline is a doom reference but I thought of that tiktok sound and I love the way that the ", sue Sylvester" is delivered and I thought it was funny. Anyway, I have not played doom yet, I want to play Wolfenstein first, don't ask, I'm one of those Freaks that loves to play through something in order and Wolfenstein came first. Anyway, I started reading this book called Masters of Doom about John Romero and John Carmack, the guys who made Doom. How fun! The book is somewhat modern and you can tell in the way it's written and my bias! MY BIAS! It's not ruining the experience, I am loving this book, I read 50 pages, the problem is, that I have a bias against new books and I don't want this bias but classic lit has rotten my brain. I try to read new stuff but it comes off as cringe and it doesn't help that they use the word "gamer" a lot in this book. Still the book is kind of inspiring, like I had no interest in coding and I never wanted to make a game until reading this. My friend has always wanted to make a game and he wanted me to be part of the art department but as time goes on, the role has been pushed to him so I'm gonna learn how to code to help him out, take what was originally his role because he tried learning how to code but gave up. We're literally John Romero and John Carmack!!!! 

Me and bestie <3

That's gonna be us one day!

This headline was a reference to Toni! Toni! Toni! Which is a song that references Toni Morrison, who is a classic literature author. The link between Toni and Hamlet is vague but there. Anyway, I get to cross something off my bucket list. I get to watch a Hamlet performance. My English teacher planned this for us, I'm so grateful! I'm so happy! I can't, I'm gonna explode!!! I wanted to save this for the blog but I fucked up, I told a lot of people.... I've been wanting to see Hamlet live for two years now and I finally get the chance! Let's gooooooooooo!! Im dragging my friend to this, im not an aggressive person unless it comes to my rival but before we got the news, my friend asked if I could tutor him in English with literature because he finds Life of Pi confusing and I agreed. When we got the news, in a rather harsh and out of Character tone, I said, "I'm your English tutor now, you're going!" Now I get to bite his ear off during the play. Poor soul... 

This is a reference to that crazy town song butterfly, where he says "you're my butterfly" because I spoke to my old acquaintance, Ben, he's a Lil weird and I love that, bro has the most useful information and he's just waiting for someone to ask him about it. We spoke about typology very briefly and we're both INTJ! I can't wait to talk to him tomorrow, he loves coding and technology! So I'm gonna tell him about Masters of Doom and maybe he can teach me about coding. I also feel more confident for art tomorrow, I'm gonna talk to that girl! Mark my words!!! I'll speak to her. I really have trouble speaking to people and just doing a little bit every so often is good! It's good to build connections too.

Real time tea Review!!! Let's gooooooooo!!! Where's your coffee, Slip_moth? Listen, fellas, I need to drink less coffee. I must keep my body and mind sharp and healthy if I am going to rule the world and coffee makes my stomach hurt, lately its been so bad too, like someone put a lighter under my stomach. So I've been drinking tea, okay I say that like I've been drinking, I started today. Anyway, I'm drinking a tea that is apparently not as well known as I thought, I can't tell you guys without doxxing myself but it's good. I put a lot of sugar in though. It's different to coffee, I'll say that much. It's as sweet as I like it! Very nice! Also I put custard in my coffee today. Yes, I still drank coffee but it was one cup and I used to drunk 3 cups every day. Now it's one. Haha ha one. I didn't taste the custard by the way, no point in adding it!

This is two headlines in one, I'll start with this, I have a queue of albums every day, I compile it every morning and listen to them throughout the day. Sometimes I ask this server I'm in for recommendations and they love music I ask for one album and they're like "I know you asked for one album but here's 5" and I'd say a spotify album please and they'd be like "Here's an album you can't listen to on spotify" I got so many recommendations, too many. Many tiny recommendations! Many tiny boxes, I'm not gatekeeping her anymore, listen to Many Tiny Boxes, get in now before she gets big! Listen to her album and then her single. The other part of this headline is just, i forgot, something about books. I need to visit the library...

To celebrate me seeing Hamlet live... here's the quote of the day...

"God has given you one face, and you make yourself another."

I love Hamlet but bro is such a misogynist, like I'm not misogynistic, I grew up around women! I promise!! Guys I promise. Anyway his misogyny is on full display but you can say this anyone, Hamlet is saying this to Ophelia however, suggesting that she is two-faced, that she has been given an identity or has a personality but to appear better to others, makes herself a different one to deceive people. That's just not true, Ophelia, is a sweetheart, she really loves Hamlet and then he goes and says this to her. Don't use this to belittle women, please! Use it to belittle all people! 

That's it for today, thank you for reading, I still have a lot to do today! Goodnight, many tiny people in my tiny phone! 

4 Kudos


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