I know that coming on here once again to divulge personal information is kind of stupid, and it's not like people will honestly care. So anyways here it goes, I don't think anyone could ever actually like me. I mean you see all these ads of pretty blonde girls running around on the beach with their skimpy bikinis and perfectly slim skinny bodies as they eat whatever the fuck they want. They have pretty boyfriends that are taller than them because they're only 5'4, and expensive cars. Their skin is clear and they have white straight teeth. Their bright blue eyes are something from a fairytale and i can't help but constantly feeling inferior to them. Anyone would be dumb not to point out the obvious, i'm a little below average, and those girls are way above it. I'm not funny, I don't charm anyone with my personality. Guys like me to have me, not to keep. I will never be more then i simple name they forget way down the road, or the "girl who helped to find the love of my life" I'm not gonna lie to you, it stings when someone you were in love with calls you to thank you for being such a screw up that they found the one they actually care for. My entire life's purpose is to sit at home alone with my cat. Okay little rant is over, night.

The teenage dream is a scam, and now i want ice cream.
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