. michii !!'s profile picture

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Category: SpaceHey

can we take a minute to appreciate the mods ?


i understand u might be thinking, “what about the recent spam accounts? what about the ongoing dramas? why aren't there ip bans? why am i being banned seemingly without reason?” but let's focus on the main issue here. listen, i know it's frustrating dealing with these challenges, and it might seem unfair at times. however, it's important to remember that the moderators r humans too. they have their own lives to manage, just like the rest of us.

let's start with the issue of spam accounts (gore, nsfw, tcc, etc). do the mods have control over them? no, they don't. so, what can they do? asking them to stop didn't work, and banning them only goes so far. ip banning might seem like the answer, but it's more complicated than it seems. hooterbby discussed this in a blog post [click here for the blog]. to sum up her blog, spacehey keeps it simple: no algorithms, tracking, or personalised ads. ur feed is chronological, and u have control over ur content. despite challenges, spacehey remains committed to this approach! u must stay safe online and protect urself from negative interactions—this is why ip banning isn't on the table!!

now, some might ask, “why do we keep getting banned?” it seems impossible to be banned without reason, right? in my view, it's likely because users violated spacehey's ToS and rules, or perhaps because someone maliciously reported them. it's doubtful that mods would ban someone without cause. have u considered if u have done something to warrant a ban? if u feel unfairly banned, reaching out to a mod for assistance would be the appropriate step. reacting with anger or creating spam accounts won't resolve the issue. [click here for hooterbby's blog about reporting]

“i want to become a mod!” i think it's not a decision taken lightly. u must consider, who r u? would an select u, and for what reason? some ppl might exploit the position to violate the ToS and rules. while we acknowledge the need for more mods, it's not a role for just anyone.

an created spacehey as a platform for us to connect, share, blog, and foster positivity. and honestly, without spacehey, i wouldn't have encountered such relatable ppl or made these friendships. let us take a moment to truly appreciate an's efforts. despite being in university, they dedicated theirselves to creating spacehey. consider the challenges they must face. yet, all some do is complain!! let's shift our perspective and cherish what we have. let's express gratitude not only to an but also to the mods who support them. their contributions r invaluable!!

we r grateful for everything u have done, an, hooterbby, and all the other mods!!

[disclaimer: this was solely my opinion, except for those points where I have explicitly stated otherwise]


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samsux's profile picture

this is all stated well. i think its also worth it to keep in mind "we appreciate what we have" and "we can strive for better" — the two ideals and thoughts can coexist

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by . michii !!; ; Report

100% agree!!!!

by lily ★; ; Report