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Category: Life

Day 97 of being asleep so i can believe the American dream

Today was productive but also unproductive but it's fine, I'm not going to school tomorrow. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, as they say...

  • Productively unproductive 
  • Abbott and Costello
  • Many tiny words
  • 20th Century toys
  • Gone girl...

I was gonna say I was productive today but I'll be honest with you guys, I didn't do any work in my free period. You wanna know what I did, I played on my phone all period, okay that's a lie, I wrote. I'm writing a review, I've scrapped too many reviews but not this one, I can already feel myself getting back into the groove of writing. I also read Hamlet and did some studying but other than that, I didn't do much, just wasted time. I listened to Vespertine in it's entirety, doing nothing. That's how you should listen to it but I could've been studying for my chemistry exam or something. I'm not even studying right now, how did I do this last year???

Oh, for a while now, I've been wanting to talk about these two guys in my math class. They're like the best comedy duo, I couldn't think of a comedy duo besides Abott and Costello though. Anyway one of them is super excited about maths and the other hates it and they're best friends. The guy who loves math is like wayyyyy to excited, he's so excited that the teacher yells at him. Then the other guy is just sad, like he walks into math class and he's looking down, dragging his feet across the floor. I just realized! You know that tiktok sound like "where is my friend, the smiley" that's them! I ship! They both have girlfriends but I ship!

I am an aspiring writer so it would be a missed opportunity if I didn't talk about my essay. I had to do an essay today and my English teacher was absent so we got substitutes. I miss the old bag though! She's so nasty but she's one of my favorite teachers. The teacher in her place was this impatient guy who was yelling at us to start writing. Im such a hypocrite about this but when he was yelling at the class, I was getting all pissy wondering who he is to tell us what to do but when my English teacher tells me what to do (in the exact same manner as the substitute we had) I'm like "yes ma'am!" There's a common complaint at my school that the learners don't have respect for female teachers because all the male teachers are their sport coaches so they'd wanna behave which leaves all the female teachers in the dust. I'm the exact opposite, I'm not a manhater, quite the opposite actually but when it comes to male teachers, I sound like one. My lawyer cousin is a proud man hater and when I talk about male teachers, i use the same rhetoric and talking points as her when she talks about how much she hates men. You don't understand though, female teachers just hit different, they're better! Anyway, I was talking about my essay, I went wayyyyy over the word count, I write 1500 words every day, with ease and they want me to write 200 words max. I can't do that! I'm losing marks for that...

So, a while back, I got a recommendation from myself! Not me ignoring my recommendation spreadsheet and reading the manga I recommended myself. If it's any consolation, I'm going to watch Ruby Sparks tomorrow and I know somebody recommended that to me, usually I have the names or username of whoever recommended me whatever but I don't remember who recommended that movie to me, all the others are labeled but i can't remember, it was so long ago and I'm not going to search for where I got the recommendation. Anyway, I read a volume of 20th Century Boys, it's 10 chapters. Chapter 1 to 10. It was fun, so far it's about this secret society, cult thing, which is heavily involved in the childhoods of the main characters and that's interesting. I had no idea it was about a cult, that stuff doesn't interest me at all but we all know about my weird cult story in my home town, I find it so weird to say that the cult in 20th century boy isn't as bad as the cult that was uncovered where I live. That's crazy to think. I love it when real life parallels the media I consume though. It feels good to talk about manga like this again. I look back on the time I read Fire Punch fondly, I was always taking little notes because I was so excited to talk about the chapters I read for the day. Anyway, I don't have much thoughts on 20th Century Boys just yet but we'll see tomorrow.

Thank you for reading, guys! We're almost done here, I just have one more thing I wanna discuss. It's my ramble section now. Anything goes! I went to check out that conspiracy tiktok account that I love so much, called queenofeverything003, I've mentioned her before on the moth blog but now her account is gone and I'm upset! I'm gonna miss her misinformation! One last time for Old time's sake! It's called the American dream because you have to be asleep to believe it! Good night, I'm going to sleep now to believe the American dream!

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nouho's profile picture

took a break from spacehey, I’m glad to see that you’re still doing these! :D

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Of course! I'm also glad to see you comment again!

by Slip_Moth; ; Report