Underwater (02/06/22)

I'm fire, but...

I'm burning myself

I'm here on the floor watching myself burn and turn into ashes

I thought that I was like a phoenix

But I'm just fire

I'm just pain

And I'm just ashes

I'm here being ashes and I thought that I was fine being that

I thought that I was okay being unable to reborn

But I'm not

Since I'm ashes I'm unable to feel

To feel anything

And it's weird that it hurts

It hurts more than when I was burning

I feel nothing but also everything

I'm nauseous but I just can't throw up 

So I stay like that

In that limbo

A limbo were I'm being and not being

I'm getting bored of living this way

I just can't do it anymore

I'm dying here

My ashes are getting blowed by the wind

I'm starting to disapear 

Soon I will no longer suffer 

Soon I will not be.

-Gerard and Matthew

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