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Category: Life

need some advice!

so recently ive felt like my group of friends have been leaving me behind. i had a test last week or so and it was like...a small presentation i had to give to my teacher. it was honestly a 10 minute presentation. my friends finished theirs before i did, and wanted to out to a nearby shopping mall for lunch. i asked for them to wait for me, but no one seemed to care, and refusing to wait.

i understood that they were probably impatient and wanted to go to eat, so i just let it go even though it kinda felt like shit to be left behind. so i let it go, thinking to myself i'd catch up after i finish my presentation.

i walked alone to the shopping mall, and tried to contact them so maybe i could still have lunch with them. no one responded, and just read my text. 

ok, fine, whatever, they might be eating or busy. so, i ate with one of my classmates that i happened to pass by. It honestly sucked, but what can i really do?

i'm really bad at being mad at people, because i do forgive really easy even though it feels awful. a week later everything seemed to be normal. and i decided to forget about it. fast forward to yesterday: there was an activity that the school offered for people to sign up, and i didn't know about it because no one told me. i sat alone at our usual lunch table, wondering where everyone went. i found out they were in a meeting room having lunch together to talk about the group activity. i don't know if that was intentional or that they genuinely forgot about inviting me, but when i asked what the group was about they told me that the school's slots were full.

i didn't eat that day.

some of them are ignoring me (not in the way they don't talk to me at all, it's just that they don't initiate conversation and ignore me when i walk or something). i don't have classes with some of them, and when they get into pairs or groups i feel really left behind. i feel horrible eating with them, because i feel like i'm the most boring person in the world and i'm considering just eating alone at this point or just not eating at all. maybe i'm just being dramatic, who knows.

i don't know what to do, and i don't really want it to become a huge issue because most of them still talk to me normally, it's just that i have really bad history of when my friends would become friends with other people and leave me, and i don't want that to repeat. I genuinely don't feel like confronting them because what if i find out they don't like me anymore? or they're uncomfortable around me? i'd rather not know than find out. 

this is really vent-ish so i'm rlly sorry lol i genuinely don't know what to do. if anyone has any advice to give me or what i should do, i'd be really grateful. i'm not sure if anyone would see this at all, but it feels nice to let everything out. (also i hope i'm posting this at the right category?????)

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EMMET!!'s profile picture

I went through something EXTREMELY similar, what you have to understand is your self worth. You've been friends for so many years and sometimes you just want to go back 3 years ago when you guys were still close, but that's impossible. The best thing you can do for you is leave! Ik it's sad and you love them, but they most likely don't hold you as high as you hold them, and that's the honest truth. I left, made friends and they are the sweetest. I wish u all my luck bc I was in ur shoes and it sucks. Goodluck and stay strong, passing all my luck to you! 🫡 :)

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i just saw this omg ;-; THANK YOU!! right now its been pretty rough but i'm slowly distancing myself...i hope it goes well T_T

by Meko; ; Report


👻 BunnyNecromancy's profile picture

Just leave them behind, bcs this type of ppl are just a waste of time
If they try to talk to you, just pretend you're dumb or something like that

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:(( they've been my friends for years i think i'll distance myself a bit so i can find the best course of action for what to do next

by Meko; ; Report

this is sad, it's strange because out of nowhere they change
i have a friend that i know since early 2019, and she did some things but she recognized her mistakes, now its her last chance
but in this situation the better for you its just leave them

by BunnyNecromancy; ; Report

i don't know if its because i've just realized how they treat me and ive been just taking all of it-- i can be kind of a pushover lolol

by Meko; ; Report


SPEC // AXE // DIEGO's profile picture

coming from somebody that was in a similar situation, the more you stay hung up on this, the more mental turmoil ure gonna go thru. i'd say you're allowed to bring up the feeling that you think they may have been excluding you. the number one thing in every friendship is communication, and it genuinely might be a misunderstanding or theyre actually cutting you off. either way, talking this out is the best option.

make sure you got a level-head and bring it up to them whenever you're ready. dont be afraid to stand for yourself and be headstrong about your ideals; dont crumble if they come after you for asking. explain your situation and how its made you felt, and offer working on a solution.

im sure thisll go great dude, you got this!!

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thank you ( ´ ▿ ` ) i'll do my best to find the right timing to bring it up to them!

by Meko; ; Report

belle !!

belle !!'s profile picture

i had this before with a group of friends, and the bet thing i did was leave them and find some new people who actually appreciated me. ik its scary and its a huge step, and you might not be ready for that yet, but i felt so much better for it. what i did was i made a friend and began eating with his friendgroup once or twice a week, and them as i got comfortable with these new friends i stuck with them, and left my old friendgroup. or, you could speak up about it, and raise your concern - maybe it isn't intentional. but if you aren't the confrontational type, and these people are treating you like shit, leave. look after yourself, and don't do stuff you don't want to just to avoid 'drama'. good luck <3

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thank you for ur advice <3 i'll try to do the same but i go to a small k-12 school so it'll be a bit difficult cause i know everyone in my grade already lolll

by Meko; ; Report