Preface to Dostoevsky

Before I embark on the metamorphosis that will occur after Brothers K. I'd like to talk your ear off about what I hope to get out of it. Struggling with a sense of purpose, struggling with god, struggling with my own debauchery! I hope to get some sort of clarity as to my own personal struggles. Who am I kidding though, I'll always be a degenerate misanthrope. The burning questions linger in my mind for seconds, minutes, days, weeks, EVEN months. Debauchery has been the only solution. You know what's coming so you'll delay it for just a little longer. It's foolish of me to think I'll even have some revelation after reading this book, but I can still hope to figure something out within my own life. Degeneracy flows through my veins, it's only natural for this to happen since I've inherited it though my father (seems like this will b e a common theme within the book) Innocence is over it's only downhill from here!

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I have wanted to read Dostoevsky for a while now, read some of Notes From The Underground, and I was gifted The Brothers Karamazov for Christmas (a family friend works at a library, loves to buy people books). I really like the ideas that Dostoevsky has and even without reading all that much from him yet I am already impressed, I am looking forward to reading more.

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I read a little bit of notes from Underground but it just wasn't the right time to read it ya know? I did like his idea of over-acute consciousness and just from what I read, he had psycho-analyzed me. I'm hoping he could hold my hand through my own struggles and walk me through his own ideas and ponderings. you should definitely start reading him!!

by degen_aphrodite13; ; Report