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Category: Music

Chiarina (your lover)

Carnaval, Op.9: XI. Chiarina. Passionato - Robert Schumann

For a while, I couldn't feel anything since discovering this song. It's back. I will try to describe the emotions that come out when listening to this song. My Chiarina. I've long held desperation within my heart for someone to sweep me away. My Chiarina! Robert Schumann wrote this piece while engaged to another woman Ernestine Von Fricken, somewhere within his heart laid a melody so sensual and alluring it must've been fit for his angel Clara Schumann. Disturbing to some when you realize she was 16 and Robert was 25 when he finished the carnaval piano suite. Hypocrites all of you so shut up! The mystique I feel listening to this song can only be described as getting a rush from an activity you should not be doing. The perversion that emanates from this short minute-and-a-half song will leave you feeling dirty for hearing the melodies in the first place. Yet the melodies exude this aura of passionate respect for his future wife. Chiarina was meant to be a depiction of Clara Schumann. A mysterious, perverted, and deeply passionate melody only meant for the trained heart. You can hear Schumann gush about the unanswered love that he has for a woman he shouldn't even be thinking of. Clara Schumann would become the rock for this crazed composer. She would be the woman to champion and perform all of her husband's beautiful compositions. A deep love overflowed from both parties, a love that would last past her husband's death where she would remain loyal for the next 40 years. Not even the charming young eagle that was Brahms would shake her eternal love for Robert. The kind of woman that Robert Schumann knew could only deserve a song of this caliber.

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stoic_aphrodite13's profile picture

brah this post is so gas n never gained traction.... go listen to the song n ull understand the hype

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stoic_aphrodite13's profile picture

Love is cruel and unfair. This song leaves holes in my heart that have yet to be filled.....

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