
The purpose of magic, outside of the theatrical variety, has always been to achieve a desired something through words, an intention, and an action.  These three things don't directly result in the achieving of what's desired, but are more like a call to it and, when used properly, empower the individual to achieve what they wish.

Prayer, spellwork, and even simple statements of gratitude I would deem all a form of magic due to their fundamental similarity : they are verbal affirmations with intention.  And I believe affirmations are themselves the most basic component of self-empowering magic.  The definition of magic seems rather flimsy.  Most of us are only familiar with it in works of fantasy, but feel free to look into the various definitions yourself ; it is fair to use it in this way, to describe these empowering exercises. 

I have some education in psychology and the cynical rationalist in me wants to call this all placebo and leave it at that. However,  I believe that cruelly oversimplifies this idea because of how much it can help people overcome internal psychological obstacles like self-doubt and and unhealthy patterns of thought.  Consider the thoughts that go through people's minds during moments of anxiety or self-doubt. It's usually something like "I can't do this" or "I'm too stupid."  This reveals a negative pattern of thought that can be gradually reversed through exercises of positive affirmations.  ( Disclaimer - Obviously overcoming more complex issues involving trauma is going to require a bit more intensive professional help. )

To give some practical examples, consider some simple positive affirmations.
"I am worthy of love and respect."
"I am deserving of success and prosperity."
"I choose to focus on what I can control and what I cannot."

In prayer, there is usually a call to a god to achieve the same ends. In spellwork, there may be a material and/or ritual component for the purpose of bringing about a meditative mindfulness. In either form, the intention and desired result is the same.  By making a consistent effort to affirm these positive things about ourselves, we can gradually shift our mind to a positive, constructive direction and this can indirectly have a great positive impact on our lives.

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