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Category: Goals, Plans, Hopes

deskeletonization part 1: the journey

starting weight: 96.7 lbs

weight as of this writing: ≈103 lbs (i don't know, my scale is old, shitty and unreliable)

goal weight: 125 lbs

the issue

is your tissue!

so it turns out i'm tremendously underweight and have such low blood pressure it's a medical miracle i'm not fainting all the goddamn time. i'm going to grab you, unwitting reader, by the shoulders and take you on my weight gain journey. 

no pictures. i am one of the great old ones of lovecraftian lore and no mortal can handle my appearance.

the methods

that's the fun part, to be quite honest. i'm basically obligated to get as much fat and sodium and basically everything else diet culture makes you afraid of into my system every single day. i sit on a throne of protein shake and gatorade bottles

(what passes for) the outcomes

it's only been 20 days and i've put on 6 pounds, at the very least.

not bad

1 Kudos


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