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Category: Writing and Poetry

Throwing the Backpack

I like putting myself in situations I don’t know how to get out of.

Like, if I chuck my backpack over a fence, I’m kind of forced to figure out how to get it back.

I don’t think I ever learn in my comfort zone.

It’s really scary trying to get out of it.

But once you throw that backpack, and the only way forward is over the fence,

I’ll adapt, because I’ll figure it out, right?

I want my life to be remembered, I want to be great.

But it’s hard to be great without taking any risks

so I’ll never stop throwing my backpack over the fence.

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ana's profile picture

Your poem really struck a chord with me. The way you describe embracing discomfort and facing challenges head-on is truly inspiring. I think its a powerful reminder of the importance of stepping out of our comfort zones to grow and achieve greatness. I admire your resilience and determination to keep pushing forward, even when things seem daunting. Your words have given me a renewed sense of courage to tackle my own challenges. Thank you for sharing this :)

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YOURE SO KIND<3 I'm so happy it made you feel something!

by lanlooni; ; Report

anytime < 3

by ana; ; Report