today i did something awful (?)

my brother made me get mcdonalds for him but i didn’t want to

so i got him mcdonalds

but as i was driving home i turned too hard and the open bag spilled over and all the fries fell out the bag

so i pulled over


and put the fries from the floor of my car back into the carton and put everything back in the bag

and gave it to my brother for him to eat when i got home


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the artist formerly known as sabel

the artist formerly known...'s profile picture

nOT that it makes it any better but
since the fries were in a pile i 1) used a napkin and 2) only grabbed the fries from the top part of the pile and avoided the ones that were frfr on the floor
idk i’m just not a fan of mcdonalds due to their franchises in malaysia and israel (yeah) and so i really didn’t want to get it and he always is making me do things i don’t wanna do so idk if this was karma or what i just hope he doesn’t get sick
ignorance is bliss!! if anything i’m worried like omg i got away w this so easily so how are restaurant workers fucking with my food yk

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Menheraboi's profile picture

The fact you feel guilt and realized the ill in your actions is a good! Even if the act itself was bad, I hope you'll at-least feel better at the knowledge of your own respect for him, even if a small moment got over you.

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thank you for trying to shed a positive light on a malicious decision haha

it was less a “i’m gonna get back at him” decision but moreso he already was whining and demanding i get him mcdonalds so if i came home with no fries he would get mad at me AGAIN so a covering my ass decision

i hope to never spill food in my car again that was very inconvenient :,))

by the artist formerly known as sabel; ; Report