A no win scenario dream [CW scars, death, violence, etc]

I was at work. I entered a break room. Not the break room for my department. A girl was there. She resembled my coworker combined with a childhood bully I had. She had only 3 fingers on her left hand with scar tissue where the other fingers would be if she had them. Everything was easily the clearest dream I've ever had from the location to her face to her hand. She asked to be my girlfriend. I rejected her. I was aware this wasn't real though the word "dream" never occurred to me. she pulled out a knife and stuck it in my neck.

I entered the break room again fully aware of what had just happened not quite calm but not quite panicked. This wasn't real after all. I immediately started thinking about Groundhog Day and similar plots. I rejected the girl again, trying to let her down easy. I dodged the knife only to catch it in my gut and bleed out on the floor. I don't dream often much less something this intricate.

I enter the break room again. It never occurs to me to just turn around and walk out. I attack immediately and manage to stick her knife into her neck. An inhumanly large man enters the room. He crushes my head against the wall with a single hand. This was the only part of the dream in third person viewing myself. I may have even had the man's perspective. I'm not sure.

The next few cycles play out like a montage. Sometimes I make it out of the room alive but I still reset and reenter the room.

I wake up. This may or may not have been part of the dream.

I go back to sleep.

I enter the break room again. I accept her offer to date the girl. The man enters the room and crushes my skull again. This time I experience it in first person. 

I wake up. I stay awake. 

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