jealousy (vent)

okay I admit it, I'm jealous of her. I'm not proud of that. 

she's not a bad person or anything, but she outshines me in every way and I hate it. she's prettier than me and more fun to be around. all my "friends" basically left me for her. they've written poems for her, drawn her, they have cute nicknames for her but I've never received the same energy from them. I've known them for a year and they've only known her for a few months. 

I don't know what to do to become more likeable, or more like her. I wish I knew what they saw in her. I wish I had what she had. it's gotten to the point where everything she does annoys me. I wish I could just block her and forget about her. I wish I could go back in time before I introduced her to them and stop her from taking my friends, and the guy I liked. fuck me for being such a jealous asshole

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juiiicyhenny's profile picture

jealousy is a disease, but its natural.

If I could guessi why your friends are practically worshipping this so called 'friend', I'd probably say that they're also experiencing the same feelings you have, jealousy.

I wouldn't say that youre a bad person for your jealousy, its completely natural and nt something you can necessarily control. That gut wrenching stomach turning feeling when they have something you want so bad is all too familiar.

What would make you a bad friend in this situation is the fact that you don't feel happy for your 'friend', because real friends would be delighted by the fact that their friends are getting their well deserved treatment and recognition, that's where you fail.

If you find it hard to be happy for them and that your friends have betrayed you for them, then id say its best that you find new friends or try to talk it out with another person in the friend group if you think they're exhibiting the same behaviour/jealousy as you. If the two of you could relate to that, id think it would open up a much needed conversation. You can't keep hanging out with a group that you know you'll fell terrible with everyday, its just become your demise.

But if you feel like there's some hope left in your group, focus on yourself and give the same equal compliments and affection to your friends so you all feel just as worthy and included as her. Reflect on yourself and what you can better and what *you* want to do. BE yourself!! that's what everyone loves, a person who is themselves 100%!! Beauty is in the eye of the beholder after all.

good luck friend and wish u the best xx

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I mean, I was happy at first that they were getting along, but it got to the pint where it felt like they'd replaced me with her. but I'm trying to approach the situation in the best way I can

by Xx_DylanDeathblow_xX; ; Report