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Category: SpaceHey

kids on the internet

PSA: i don't particularly agree with the way that this post was worded, but i agree with the general message of it.
let me explain:

kids today are so exposed to the internet and social media. they have access to so much information and so many platforms, but often lack the maturity and judgement to handle it all responsibly. we need to teach them how to stay safe online, how to recognize and avoid cyberbullying, and how to protect their personal information. it's important to monitor their online activity (at least up to a certain age, where they are mature enough), and have open conversations about the potential dangers of the internet.

the dangers are:

kids can be targeted by bullies online, which can lead to emotional distress and even s*icide in extreme cases.

2- exposure to innapropriate content:
the internet is full of of content that is not suitable for children, such as violent or sexual content.

3- online predators:
there are individuals who use the internet to prey on children and manipulate them into dangerous situations such as:

3.1- grooming

3.2- s*xtortion

3.3- privacy concerns

^^^ 3.3- kids may not understand the importance of protecting their personal information, such as addresses, phone number, full name...


sure, there might be moderators in the places these children navigate, such as spacehey, but they don't always act IMMEDIATELY. these are my concerns about having little children on the internet. please leave a comment so we can debate (respectfully) about this subject!

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Rin_128's profile picture

i admit i almost experience grooming thankfully my online friend who were around 16 that time told me to block that guy

bro i saw a lot of messed up things online but tbh with the help of the internet i also kind of mature or let just say at least have some nice wisdom from just observing the adults or experience of people that were shared online

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yea, while exposure might be a form to acquire wisdom.. it's not always the best option tbh :^[ i believe that wisdom comes with time and advice from elders. exposure & experience r also valid learning methods but not the best..

by franz; ; Report

lol yeah, it's really fck up so i just end up seeing another gruesome image hours ago. The internet did help me become wise but i also experience messed up things here. I wasn't able to wait that i end up being wise due to the desire to grow up fast but now i can't help but feel cringe or like "uhh what?!" to my peers because of what they're doing

by Rin_128; ; Report