Epistulae Morales ad Lucilium Letters 56-65

Letter 56. On Quiet and Study
- I am not distracted by outside noises any longer.
- Words are harder to ignore, but it's still doable.
- If the outside seems loud it is because something inside isn't quiet
- Only reason ear stop the noise
- However it is easier to just move away from the noise
- But I still test myself

Letter 57. On the Trials of Travel.
- Some brave men fear the hurt of others more than the hurt of themselves.

Letter 58. On Being.
- Plato's idealism/forms
- Because we are temporary we look to the permanent
- Perhaps it is better to free the soul than struggling
- Death under circumstances - of pain - is defeat.

Letter 59. On Pleasure and Joy
- Your letter brings me joy
- Many common "joys" are really the beginnings of sorrow.
- Real joy never ceases or becomes its opposite.
- No joy can be evil. Joy is not equal to pleasures
- Why are we slaves to folly?
- Because we don't combat it strong enough
- We approach the issue too trifling
- We only skim the top but don't go too deep
- Wise men: joyful, happy, calm, unshaken

Letter 60. On Harmful Prayers
- Some times others pray for evil things on our behalf.

Letter 61. On Meeting Death Cheerfully
- Cease to desire what you did as a child
- I live every day as if it were a complete life
- Die well = die gladly
- We should desire whatever is given to us

Letter 62. On Good Company
- I spend my time with the best.

Letter 63. On Grief for Lost Friends
- I understand why you'd grieve
- But if you want steadfastness of soul it is only a sting
- Make it so ??? of your friend becomes pleasant
- For my friends - I have them as if I shall lose them and lose them as if I have them still
- Don't be careless while they are alive then mourn them when they are gone
- To seek proof of their emotions
- We rob ourselves of every friend we fail to make.

Letter 64. On The Philosopher's Task
- Some philosophers infuse no spirit in their writing

Letter 65. On the First Cause
- Plato & forms, art, imitating life, etc...
- These calm the spirit
- The wise man is bound to his body.
- I should be able to ask about the ???
- Only way body can suffer injury.

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