Horrid and rough.

Horrid and rough,thats what life is.Being a girl fucking sucks!Being me sucks!Wanna know why?Well i have a fucking list!

1) Attachment issues


3) Trust issues

4)I suffer with Haphephobia (Fear of being touched or touching)

5)ANY store i walk in i get fucking sexualized.

6) Non stop getting hit on by 20 yrs while im 15!!

7) A fucked over life

8) Alot of men suck.

9)Im allergic to things that have vitamin c in them

10) My body (Its just to thin and my ass is a bit to big for my body in my eyes.Same as my chest.)

11) Being compared

12) Being compared to

13) People wanting to look how i do

14) People wanting the body i have

15) People wanting my style

16) People thinking im perfect

17) People thinking i have the perfect family

Oh well,#17.I dont have a dad,he was abusive and left because he went insane.My uncle r4ped me starting of this year in the summer.My grandma died.My grandfather died.My mom is addicted to meth!My siblings throw stuff at me!I dont have the perfect family or perfect life!Stop comapring me to you!Your perfect how you are!On the other hand i have an ED!!I only eat like under half a meal a day!Im NOT perfect!!

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Actual Acorn

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it's tough to be a god

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