why do i add people on spacehey bc they share some of the same interests as me and i find them super cool and want to talk to them BUT WHEN THEY ADD ME BACK I DONT KNOW HOW TO TALK TO THEM... » Continue Reading
literally message me RN if ur a maretu fan i love maretu i live maretu i literally breathe maretu. please talk to me if ur a maretu fan i need your existence to exist bc without maretu fans i woudl not exist please my fav songs are forced obedience, pink, siu, confusion, and maretus metal crusher cover i LITERALLY BEG YOU BE MY FRIEND IF UR A MARETU FAN » Continue Reading
candy is literally the best thing to ever exist candy is like drugs but if they didnt give u brain damage i gte high off candy. candy is the only thing that makes me happy ❤❤❤ » Continue Reading
how the HELL do people manage to talk abt shit like the weather and how others r doing. FIRST OF ALL unless you are literally going thru some huge ass natural disaster THE MOST U CAN SAY ABT WEATHER IS THAT "its rainy today" or "wow it is so hot outside" LIKE WHERE DO U GO FROM THERE... and when someone asks how ur doing like ATLEAST 75% of the time they actually dont care abt how ur doing and u j... » Continue Reading
why is ame like the realest person ever ive never related to a random girl from a video game so much whys she so real shes just so me!!! the only girl i relate to that could top the realness is mafuyu asahina (i heart mafuyu) ame is so me jus teuhehrhfhfhfhfh... i am literally internet overdose » Continue Reading
ughhh i hate school so much whys it so stressful... summer break is in 2 weeks i cannot handle this any longer... like i am SOOO burnt out rn and i have like a bunch of math tests this week or sm and i think i am going to FAILLL eueueueuuuhuehueg i hate schoollll » Continue Reading
IK THE SIX MUSICAL IS ABT LITERLALY NOT COMPARING ANY OF THE WIVES AND HOW THEYRE MORE THAN THE WIVES OF HENRY VIII BUT I HAVE TO SAY SMTH. i love six katherine howard. she actually had one of the best songs and her 4 choruses were the best thing ever and i love her so much she is actually perfect » Continue Reading
sometimes it astonishes me that the most PUTRID DISGUSTING CREATURES ON THE INTERNET are actually like normal people with normal jobs or r like students or smth like that irl... the internet is crazy fr like ik its stupid but its just so interesting how your persona online compared to urself irl can be so different... like i can have 47 different personalities online if i wanted to but behind the ... » Continue Reading