Took a ztupid geometry tezt and got a 76 😠9/24 No mizzing azzignmentz rn 9/24 GUYZ I HAVE VOCAB AND A TEZT DUE TOMORROW AND IM ZTREZZED TF OUT CHATTTTT 9/25 i learned zome fun dancez today!! 9/25 Ztarted and Finizhed that vocab today and took » Continue Reading
My momz taking my phone but at leazt i got my computer, i really hope my friend listenz and doezn't text me through mezzagez... i told them to text me through telegram zooo i hope they do. i didnt have school today but my mom went to a parent teacher conference and they zaid cauze i didnt do my work they might kick me out in 3 weekz... im actually gonna die if they do tho, i gotta get my act toget... » Continue Reading