
New York, 21
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Jessie's Blog Entries
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Category: Blogging
5/10/23 I had a hell of a drive home from campus and They told me I need to create music again and I’d be a household name by the time I’m 25. I’m at a point that I need something that’s not focusing on anything but myself and since I’m too much I’m going to make it everyone’s problem. I have nothing to lose and it will go by fast. No ties, so we shall see. Marking it here and putting it into exi... » Continue Reading
sooooo bored
Category: Friends
V bored. I really wish I knew how to navigate this better. Just made it last night though, I'm learning! If anyone is looking to chat feel free to hmu! I'm 21 y/o from NY. Would love some new friends!! » Continue Reading
I need to sleep
Category: Blogging
I really don’t know how to use this or what I’m going to do with it yet but I think I’m mainly excited to scream into the void bc I think people on here will be more excited than the ones who follow me on Twitter » Continue Reading
o m g this is insane
Category: Blogging
I am quite literally so excited to have this acc. I wasn't alive for OG MySpace and know nothing about coding so this is v new 2 me. welcome 2 my life » Continue Reading