Does anyone else ever feel like they have the will but not the talent to do something? I have numerous ideas and I want to do them all, especially with the reprisal of the poem 'Boots' By Rudyard Kipling that has currently come about. While not everyone who engages in artistic hobbies has to practice to be perfect, there are so many people who do, and as someone who has to practice I always feel ... » Continue Reading
There is a constant feeling I have amongst a friend of mine where I'm not sure if he's flirting or not, and it makes me realise, as someone who was raised female their whole life and has never experienced male flirting, that I'm not entirely sure on whether or not it is flirting. When women flirt with me they're straight forward, they tell me that they're flirting, but men? I don't under » Continue Reading
I don't think a lot of people will talk about the lull you feel once you've finished high school, especially if your school goes on all year round and suddenly you're not entirely sure what's going to happen in the next year. It scares me to think that if I don't get a job (A very serious plan that is currently being undertaken) then I'll pretty much be sitting around like a wet blanket. » Continue Reading