TikTok Drop Shippers Oh my, these people are spreading like wildfire. TikTok drop shipper dropship jokes quite clearly. They aren't funny and can't start a proper business. Just get a job, or at the very least make your own damn jokes. » Continue Reading
School. So long as you are reading this, you've probably been there in some capacity. Homeschool, Public School, any school. Yea, Primary school is OK, but High School is something else... Now, High School is essential. The final frontier until you have the option to either Continue or Enter Earth to it's » Continue Reading
So, I'm aware nobody cares, but I'll start writing stuff on here. Manchester weather is GARBAGE. Its like, -10 degrees out here, and the next minute, the second lunch break is over, it. looks. STUNNING. It's always so inconsistent here, any Brits here to confirm? Oh who am I kidding, we all know what the weather is like here. Yet hardly any snow, oddly enough. » Continue Reading