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V Holeček Art
"Ich bin in die Kunst hineingeschlüpft, um dem Leben zu entkommen."
Lvl 46 haunted meat from Kansas City, part-time cult leader
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Category: Art and Photography
Apparently 2020 was a year of ankhs for me. I started with one, which I had intended for my coffin shelf of curiosities in my workspace...which promptly sold. I was about to make another when someone contacted me asking me to make them one because of the one I had just sold. So I made a second one with a more vampiristic flair and finished in bronze, then set out again to make another...which s... » Continue Reading
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Studies in Brutalism
Category: Art and Photography
The past few months I've been doing some charcoal drawing studies on the theme of brutalist design. The design philosophy is simple but imposing. A hulking, angular, massive presence, devoid of most of the flourishes of earlier design theories. Generally reviled as an eyesore by many, it has a modest cult following for its raw utilitarianism and powerful sense of presence. » Continue Reading