Category: Blogging
I don't read or watch BNHA but i'll always appreciate the character designs! >u » Continue Reading
Im kind of a freak, kind of a weirdooooo
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Category: Blogging
I don't read or watch BNHA but i'll always appreciate the character designs! >u » Continue Reading
Category: Blogging
Social Studies is soooooooooooooooo boring sometimes. Other than being spoon-fed your basic boot-licking American propaganda you're really not doing ANYTHING..! Yknow why do people like to regard America as the "best of the best" -_- its a FUCKING shithole here ! We have dogshit healthcare, clowns for political figures, shitty racists, ETC! We bomb other poorer weaker countries to the stone age ... » Continue Reading
Category: Blogging
Some of your guys sites are fucking eye straining dear kami. » Continue Reading
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