Use colored candles to help call down the different elements while casting circles or spells. Please research how to cast circles. Witchcraft has a lot of homework involved, so please do not cast spell work without knowing what you're doing first. Air-Spring: White, sky blue, light pink, light yellow. Fire-Summer: Red, orange, bold yellow, brown, white, gold. » Continue Reading
I can finally be myself here!! On Facebook I felt like I was trying to compete with other friends, but here, I can be creative and be myself!! It felt like Facebook didn't care about you being yourself or being creative. Every time I would scroll through Facebook I would get so much anxiety and even get anxiety attacks because every one of my » Continue Reading
Hey everyone! This is my first time “Blogging”. 😅 I don’t even know where to begin. Hopefully, soon, I’ll will be comfortable enough to use this platform to share my adventures without the feeling of being “attacked” or “judged”. I honestly just want to make true honest friends here and be 100% honest without feeling as though backs have been turned on me due to my interests and my personality♥️ H... » Continue Reading