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"probably playing video games"
tatted ghibli fanatic
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Category: Blogging
I'm not over it yet, and it's been more than a year. I'm not over it yet, and it's been years. On the other hand, I'm over so many other things. Maybe the mind just holds onto the least forgiving situations - you know, the ones that hold your emotions hostage because you've no one to tell about them. Or maybe it's just the most devastating of situations that get burned into the back of your mind. » Continue Reading
Category: Blogging
Someday I will be a star or a a blade of grass or the part of you that makes your heart beat so I stay hopeful. » Continue Reading
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Category: Blogging
I got to the point, after the initial rush of fear, anxiety, intensity, and suspense, where I began just floating on the feelings I was getting. I was so worried about getting too lost in the unreality that had creeped into my mind that I couldn't enjoy coming up. The biggest thing that I was worried about was when the clock began to lose its meaning. » Continue Reading