so hey gang welcome to vyns daily ramble 😈😈 todays (its actually yesterday bc its now 12:30am) exam was easy, its the last exam and im so yippeee! i took tle and math and math was suprisingly easy loll i did some cute doodles and sketches on the scratch paper rather than solving which is why i kinda took while,,, and i also ate yummy yum pasta and hotdog w/ bun for lunch! pasta was soz delish bc m... » Continue Reading
this website kinda cool LOL i like it ☆☆☆ im gonna storytime bout my day today, cuz i think thats what u do on this website i left my home around like 7:40 am to go to school right?! and i got there at 9 am! it wasnt even that traffic so i dont understand how it took an hour and 20 mins, it was lowkey embarrasing walking up to the 3rd floor and through the hallway cuz im (kinda) late and all the o... » Continue Reading