IT IS DONE. Woke up at around 7:00 AM and scribbled down my note sheet. Drove to class. Parked. Walked in. AND I DID.... okay. We're gonna see man, it was eight questions with a total of twenty points. I won't be surprised if about half the class fails. But hey, SPRING BREAK! » Continue Reading
Alright gang, first blog post ever. It is currently 1:08 AM and I have a midterm at 9:00 AM for my AC circuits class. I might be cooked. Who knows. I am going to lock in and write down everything that I need on a formula sheet, we get the front and back. We are going over AC currents, capacitors, inductors, RC circuits, and RLC circuits. But you know what? I ALWAYS pull through. Let's get this A... » Continue Reading