I just want it to go away.
Category: Blogging
"Sometimes I fell like I'm nothing. Like, why would anyone like me? Why would anyone be with me? Why would anyone stay? » Continue Reading
"Reading fanfic ^///^"
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Category: Blogging
"Sometimes I fell like I'm nothing. Like, why would anyone like me? Why would anyone be with me? Why would anyone stay? » Continue Reading
Category: Blogging
Se fosse pra escolher alguma trilha pra minha vida com certeza seria alguma musica melancolica e triste. » Continue Reading
Category: Blogging
Mesmo eu tendo amigos la eu odeio, odeio, odeio, odeio muito!!! Tambem odeio como muita gente da escola olha feio pra mim so pq eu tenho estilo diferente. Mas eu gosto da parte de usar meus materias ros » Continue Reading