Ask Me Anything!
Category: Friends
Thought this'd be a fun way to get to know people so why not? Ask me a question and I'll answer it (provided it's not inappropriate)! » Continue Reading
"Tumble me down, and I will sit upon my ruins (smiling yet:)"
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Category: Friends
Thought this'd be a fun way to get to know people so why not? Ask me a question and I'll answer it (provided it's not inappropriate)! » Continue Reading
Category: Friends
Hi all! My names Isaac! I'm very new to SpaceHey so am still stumbling my way through it but I'd love to make new friends! (I'm hoping to make my profile look a bit nicer soon!) I'm 24 (because of this please don't friend request me if you're under 20-years-old) , autistic, queer and trans and based in the UK. Some of my interests include The Magnus Archives / Protocol, Malevolent, Dimension 20, T... » Continue Reading