I don't have much to say rn, I just kinda want an excuse to be here lol!! looking at my own profile brings me so much peace, like my own cute lil pocket dimension, i just wanna stay here forever -w- I guess this is a free space for me to just kinda ramble abt anything that makes me happy so I'll do that! -christmas break has been going on for like 4 days past what it was supposed to lmao. the firs... » Continue Reading
haii! this is my first blog post just trying it out :3 every time i create a new social media i tell myself "this is the one where u focus on urself and not your work/art!!" and every time i fail at that rlly hard... I think that modern social media sites just make me feel like i need to shrink myself into a marketable plushie for other ppl to suit the algorithms & stuff and that Sucks!! so maybe ... » Continue Reading