Category: Blogging
I absolutely despise colds with my entire being. I've been coughing up my lungs for the last 24 hours. » Continue Reading
"Coughing up my lungs"
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Category: Blogging
I absolutely despise colds with my entire being. I've been coughing up my lungs for the last 24 hours. » Continue Reading
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Category: Blogging
God I miss the Creepypasta fandom before it got toxic. I don't care if it was cringe or poorly written. It was my lifeline. A lot of people think they were stupid and they were. But I saw myself in them (I didn't murder people). I saw myself in the way Sally's innocence was taken from her by family member she loved and trusted. I saw myself in Jane in the way her vengeance often got in the way of... » Continue Reading