I'm so sad right now, I woke up so sick today and I had to miss school. I just woke up and I realized my project for Biology was due and I used A.I to do it for me because I just did not have the energy. I feel so bad because I'm in honors classes and I feel like I'm stupid because I couldn't even do 5 summaries. I so sad and angry ugh. I hope I feel better tomorrow so I can go to a mosh pit for F... » Continue Reading
OMG!!! I hate my biology class so much. My grade is at a 79.9% and this old lady refuses to round up. Like girl please just put my grade up, and it gets me so mad because biology is the only class I have a bad grade in. I gotta do this stupid freshman connections class to ugh I hate it. All they teach us is stuff I already know like healthy relationships and all that, and I heard that health isn't... » Continue Reading