DNFM queerphobes,racists,MAP,zoophiles(and supporters),those annoying reddit atheists (same goes for ppl who force their religion) INT if ur zimbabwean,if we share the same interests or if ur as cuckoo as me, peter steele and kenny fans pls interact,yall are so » Continue Reading
theres this initiative to help trans americans relocate to other countries aswell as helping those who dont want to/cant relocate,so if u can donate pls do link: https://sites.google.com/view/project-beacon/home » Continue Reading
its doors but u have to be speedy :D,and im literally addicted to this game,u can find it on roblox btw and the entities are literally so creative like theres carnation,slugfish(i call it worm),elkman,heed,dozer,sorrow,goatman(i havent died from him lol but i've had close encounters with him) » Continue Reading