Dec Y2K , part-time job, not in college because screw debt, most days are spent inside but i do go outside, just not for long. Ambitions? a few but they will take a while to perfect let alone actually achieve I don't expect much to happen with this account as i rarely communicate online (with real life being not too different) but hey, anything can happen. » Continue Reading
I was sick yesterday but the internet was out so i couldn't post but it's not as bad, just nasal congestion and some coughing the former REALLY getting in the way of sleeping.. a bunch of other stuff happened but i'm not gonna elaborate (though i wanted to at first) but French vanilla cappuccino is one of my favorite drinks now, had 2 cups and will definitely fill my canister with the stuff tomorr... » Continue Reading
Wish i hadn't made so many emails during the 10s, it's a mess and i can't delete 'em all willy nilly because there are accounts that i've yet to delete which i bothered doing months ago, so far i only keep track of 5 with a 6th one being rarely used. I could sort things now but i'm too lazy for that so who knows when i will bother to again. BTW, i may make more blogs in the future, even if no one ... » Continue Reading