Its been a while since I last posted here but i have updates, i got a psvita and so did my girlfriend and right now i am modding it, i always dreamt of this day and now its here. its kind odf a pain in the ass getting these games on the system but its going to be worth it. all in all ive been getting a liing to foo fighters and i have bought a cd. Specifically the One by One album. » Continue Reading
I don't feel too well, life sometimes gets too overwhelming and I can't take it. I have too many people relying on me but when will they be there for me? I so many things going on right now and i don't know if i should focus on myself or others i hope it gets better soon and thats one of the reasons i wasn't on space hey much hopefully some of you can relate. » Continue Reading
I just made this account right now because I wanted to get back to space. Hey, it's been a while since I've been here. I hope to share some of my life here with the world. FYI: I used to have a space in my account. It's just been so long that I don't know where the login is or my username. » Continue Reading