DO AS I SAY NOT AS I DO TW: SH, Sewerslide Hay guysssss! sooooo im bouta go to da mental hospital again 4 da 4th timeeee bc im gon shelf harm all ova my army armmmm! ^^ Lolz don't do that though its bad for you, nyways have a gud day guyssss! (Plz reply am lonelyyyy) » Continue Reading
Hay guyzzz, in regards 2 mai last post I didn't go bc I lied thru the evaluation bc I hate da place dey was tryna send me, it was scary, da other places was better :3 nyways I mite still post. Oh update! I has a buncha kool scars now! I love them they all so pretty!!! Oh and I was diagnosed wif Borderline Personality Disorder so i'll look into it! >w < nyways have a good day! Also don't do what I ... » Continue Reading
My mom is calling a place today! I'll keep you updated though lol, personally idk if I have autism or not, I have high ADHD so maybe its just the overlap in symptoms, but my grandmother who teaches special needs kids also thinks I might be Autistic so what do I know lol. » Continue Reading