Fashion is an art, the patterns, the looks, the beauty, the bodies. Our bodies are beautiful, something to be shown in art. The beauty of skin, colors, extraordinary uniqueness. My beautiful muse sends me daily pictures of herself, she has been blessed by the goddess of beauty. She had this beautiful silk night dress on, and her confidence yet shyness was shown, her body was like an art piece. She... » Continue Reading
According to an article by Gabrielle Arruda, "Style confidence is finding a personal style that makes you feel like your best self. It encourages you to go out into the world, with your held high, and find your own strength through your style." The article starts on how confidence isn't something you are born with but more something you develop, you have to work hard for unbreakable confidence. Cl... » Continue Reading
I think that the media has sexualized women's clothing to the point where we no longer have any respect for the art of fashion and the creativity of being comfortable in our own skin. A woman can no longer show regular parts of their body without being called such shaming words. What happened to see our bodies as art, fashion as a statement, and nudity as confidence. Women should not be shamed for... » Continue Reading