i got 100 on my history test yay! today i had a session with my therapist; we had a really nice talk and i was somehow more talkative than usual we even laughed a bit after my session i got home did laundry, made myself some food, had a good meal and now i’m about to start on a history presentation for tomorrow then i’ll shower and head to bed :ь » Continue Reading
i don’t know what to do i’m so bored prolly just go to bed soon my day was pretty normal i goofed around with my friends and gave them bracelets. they liked them! we took a bunch of silly pics :ь bad stuff i got told off by the pe teacher for skipping her class sm. like who even cares about pe honestly?ыжавжыажыж after college i came home, cleaned up and did my chinese hw. agh and i still need to ... » Continue Reading
it's been a busy day today nothing much happened at college but i saw my friends which is nice after college i went to pick up my packages after that i wanted to buy thermal paste for my laptop but the stores i looked for it in di » Continue Reading