Take 2! Back again, this time at a fictional circuit named Heart Lake Complex, where overtaking, no matter on which corner, is one hell of an act in of itself. The car pictured is the Ferrari 296 GT3. Shoutout to the so-called Javier Gonzalez on Low Fuel Motorsport for keeping me on my toes in this race and, unbeknownst to himself, giving me these photo opportunities! » Continue Reading
Hello! Thank you for taking the time to look at this blog entry. I plan to post my works of virtual car photography here. Games featured will be Gran Turismo 4, Assetto Corsa and Forza Horizon 5. Each entry will be of a different set of photos within any of the afformentioned games, generally keeping a similar number of photos (3-5) and the idea of quality over quantity in mind. They may not alway... » Continue Reading