♡ Still Here Cinematic ♡ The morgana gave me goose bumps not gonna lie, she looks sick! These type of cinematics make me crave a tv show in this style. Ever sense I was young I always liked tv shows & videos games with multiple characters with with specific abilities. Having a tv show that is extremely active and tells the whole story of league of legends would cure the heart for me lol. » Continue Reading
♡ Kuronami Bundle ♡ Valorant has not released ANY GOOD BUNDLES LATELY. So, i'm kinda happy this one is being released because it does not look like a battlepass skin lol. The sounds and finisher are nice. I like how you can shoot the ball of water at the end so that's different. The color variants show default, light blu » Continue Reading
♡ Smolder Reveal ♡ I just read some comments saying "stop releasing disney characters" . I personally think this one is so cute though. Riot has been releasing champs like this for a while now. I don't think its much of a suprise? This one kinda reminds me of a reverse ahri and it looks like they're trying to make hi » Continue Reading