Sophia Mustafa

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"I am off the beaten path, so don’t bother me! No minors nor relig"

Canadian, female, sufi, 34, she/her!

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Mood: Happy final

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Merry Christmas party

Category: Blogging

Well, today was a mixed emotions day for me because of some bad drivers on my commute to work and my commute from work. That being said, that wasn't exactly my strong suit is dealing with bad drivers and construction workers. I must admit, I may have blown my gasket a couple of times, which I'm not proud of, but I have to admit that in order to move on with my life. The travesty on the road was ju... » Continue Reading

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Why daddy why

Category: Blogging

I was wasting my time, dealing with a extremely leftist human being- if you call them that! This person I was supposed to be dating was a leftist like someone and I don't usually talk about this online, but I ended up finding out that the person was a leftist The wrong way possible. The person ended up saying that Christmas was, and I'm not even gonna say what they said about Christmas but they sa... » Continue Reading

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Category: Blogging

Hello there sorry if I didn't get to write to you too soon. As I was busy with my job at hand, I did 2 1/2 hours worth of peer work at my cleaning job. That being said, I should only be doing two hours, not just because of my back and other injuries that I just stand as a kid but also because that's the outline and expectations, but I far-flung Flew over them today and then ended up doing 2 1/2 ho... » Continue Reading

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