Haven't jumped here in a long while! It's 5:49 and my classes are starting at 7... I'm now a 2nd year, that's crazy... I hope for the long run I survive, since I really really do love this course I took... Besides that, my interest for fat men has increased due to god sending his angel down below to scream with me.... it's amazing HAHAHA » Continue Reading
BACK FROM HELL (SORTA) ITS MY 2ND SEMS FINALS AND IM ACTUALLY DYING!!! Other than that, it's been so hot here in the south east,,, 50 fuckin degrees like are you INSANE.... » Continue Reading
I got a really sweet message from my classmate, sometimes even those simple reassurance just gets me to feel better :,) I love my friends sm!!! I hope you all are doing swell, remember that you matter and such, keep on thriving and living!! » Continue Reading
Oooh my goodness I haven't updated in ages! A lot of shit has happened this February... My birthday passed! It was February 5 :3 Hanged out with my family on the before date because my doctor sister would be unavailable to my actual birthday :,]! but it's all good I had dinner with them, very epic!!!! » Continue Reading
I hate how difficult to function recently, My depression isn't helping me connect with friends and all, it's really upsetting. My mood keeps shifting and shifting, I really hate it. I can't function right and anything can make me upset and then sad and then upset. Im gonna tear my skin off. » Continue Reading
Haven't updated in a looong while, but these days have been the best with my cousins!! Went out to a lot of malls, and I've been eating Japanese food for like 2 straight days that I became sick of it LMAOOO but the food was great » Continue Reading
Went swimming!!! And it is NO surprise my older brother and older cousin had drowned me many times!!! Love swimming, often hate the experience for it but I'm fine!!! Im a tint guy I'm very drown-able » Continue Reading
Being the translator for my cousin in-law is so fucking funny because Shes getting a massage and again, Im translating what the massager is saying Massager: Talikod po (turn around po) Me, in panic: Ate Raelyn, Flip- We both kept laughing though and like 3 minutes l » Continue Reading
forgot to update BUT MY COUSINS ARE HOMMMEE WAAH!!!!! which means more likely less time in social media since I'm hanging out with them » Continue Reading