tonight im thinking about how many endless colors there are and how many variants of red’s and blue’s and purple’s like red orange, turquoise and periwinkle. Like who came up w the names of different purples. or pinks. Sometimes colors are just a word irl and then the color after like Candy pink or blood orange. That’s cool too. » Continue Reading
I like genuinely hate sharing certain things like i’ll ALWAYS be down to share food but like gatekeeping my interests is my thing bc they’re MY INTERESTS!!! The things that make me, ME!!! Idc if its like stingy or selfish idc i like to enjoy things by myself >:( » Continue Reading
Ok i totes have no idea wut im doing on here but my BFFL convinced me to sign up n lowkey its cute!! I think im gnna make this acc like a digital diary of some sort. Just so God Forbid I die there’s still trace of me n ppl n see how i lived :3 I think thats supes cool its like fossils but digitally ykwim? » Continue Reading