Vitaly Ivolginsky

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avlivro - 58 Chapter III.XVI

Category: Writing and Poetry

There was a barely audible click and on the ceiling, right above Galbraith's head, a small panel opened slightly, from where a manipulator, ending in three silver claws, extended downwards. With the sound of servos, they began to slowly approach the head of the inspector, who involuntarily shivered in his chair. - Relax, guest, - came a voice. - And close your eyes. The policeman closed his eyes. ... » Continue Reading

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avlivro - 57 Chapter III.XV

Category: Writing and Poetry

Suddenly two people stopped next to them. Of course, these were also Japanese, but this time they did not limit themselves to just comments in their language, but bowed to Galbraith and extended their hands to him. - Hello, - the younger one said in fairly good English. - Greetings, - his senior companion said in a cheerful tone. Apparently they are brothers, the inspector thought, shaking hands f... » Continue Reading

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avlivro - 56 Chapter III.XIV

Category: Writing and Poetry

- How long do we have to go? - Galbraith asked the specialist. - It's better not to ask this question, - he answered evasively. This means, the inspector thought, the institute is indeed located quite deep underground. Strange, very strange - why hide so carefully from human eyes what relates to computer technology? - Would you mind telling me then who this Montesi you mentioned is? - the inspecto... » Continue Reading

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avlivro - 55 Chapter III.XIII

Category: Writing and Poetry

Lost in lamentable reflections, the inspector did not notice how the car stopped moving. - Good sir, we are already there! - the driver said cheerfully. Galbraith turned away from his mirthless thoughts and looked out the window. Outside was a snow-covered field that stretched to the horizon. Here and there sparse trees stuck out between the snowdrifts. - Are we sure we've arrived at the right add... » Continue Reading

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avlivro - 54 Chapter III.XII

Category: Writing and Poetry

Trying to calm down and collect his thoughts, Galbraith lowered his hands to his knees and only now discovered that all this time the same cardboard that was in the envelope along with the ill-fated letter had been lying on them. The inspector grabbed it and brought it to his eyes. He's already seen what's on it were listed the letters of the English alphabet in two rows, under the huge red letter... » Continue Reading

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avlivro - 53 Chapter III.XI

Category: Writing and Poetry

Galbraith noted that there was not a single mark or even a stamp on the thick white paper that made up the envelope - it seemed as if the postmaster had handed the inspector not a real letter, but an element of theatrical props. The only thing that cast doubt on this was that the contents inside could be felt through the envelope. - Hey, good sir! - a hoarse shout was heard. Galbraith, who was abo... » Continue Reading

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avlivro - 52 Chapter III.X

Category: Writing and Poetry

The inspector was quite surprised to hear this voice, which belonged to none other than his old friend lieutenant Nelissen. - Nelissen, buddy, is that you? - at the sound of a familiar voice, a shiver of joy ran through Galbraith’s body. - Galbraith? At long last it's you! - a young voice responded cheerfully. - I was beginning to worry. where've you been? - In London as you know... - Galbraith fe... » Continue Reading

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avlivro - 51 Chapter III.IX

Category: Writing and Poetry

- Oh girl, - the inspector said quietly. - Why are you leading me into your obscurity? These words were addressed to emptiness, for Galbraith did not expect to hear an answer to them. He couldn't get it anyway - Delia Yonce was buried at River View Cemetery, not far from the grave of first Portland's female mayor. Her funeral went unnoticed by the town, because no one cared about some pharmaceutis... » Continue Reading

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avlivro - 50 Chapter III.VIII

Category: Writing and Poetry

Galbraith, who was already tired of looking at cars passing along the street, realized that he can’t just stand there and indulge in memories in vain. He walked away from the window and began looking for clothes, wondering what to do. He threw out the idea of moving out of this "Stait of Snow Lake" hotel - firstly, a feeling of stinginess did not allow him to just give up a room for which he had p... » Continue Reading

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avlivro - 49 Chapter III.VII

Category: Writing and Poetry

Waking up the next day, Galbraith noted with great displeasure that while he was sleeping, bedbugs again covered him from head to toe. There is nothing to do, he thought, and ran to the bathroom. Not so much for the sake of washing, but for the sake of getting rid of parasites under running water. After rinsing off, the inspector did not brush his teeth; he even forgot to dry himself with a towel.... » Continue Reading

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avlivro - 48 Chapter III.VI

Category: Writing and Poetry

After Galbraith commented out loud on the expression of his late friend that randomly came to mind, he, trying not to go crazy from the bites of annoying bedbugs, took off his outer clothing and crawled under the blanket. Red insects began to creep even more viciously over his body - they crawled under his armpits, clung to his chest and legs, and the most arrogant parasites tried to get into the ... » Continue Reading

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avlivro - 47 Chapter III.V

Category: Writing and Poetry

The inspector put his hands in his pockets and, quickening his pace, decided that the dinner was ruined - not so much because of the fettuccine, it was more of a reason to leave the "Orcinus Orca Osteria" - how much from the staff, who behaved very inappropriately, and also because of these beggars... Galbraith wanted to get rid of the disgusting feeling, so he decided to go to a liquor store, whi... » Continue Reading

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