Well, I have been recording several things and among those is how I "learned" to read It really is very???? And it is that my cousin had a zelda game on the wii, and well, I told her that I wanted to play it and she told me that she had to read and blablabla In the end she helped me to read faster and better???? and also how to read some letters I think it's nice to remembre that » Continue Reading
Hellouuuu how are you, good afternoon, good evening, good morning, fine thank you and you ehhhh ya se me fue, vale full inglés, 0 español No kidding, I was thinking about my english teacher, y es que el viernes (Friday) she made us speak EVERYTHING in english, and if we talked in spanish she chargue us 25 cent And she really did it (quedo con 1 dolár) después de eso creo que yo quede medio turul... » Continue Reading