This person has changed there name back but there currently in hospital we have decided to wait till I leave school iv not had contact to them for about a week because I forgot to top up my phone for texts I have been freaking out they might be sectioned I just need someone to talk to lmao I love them and I'm willing to wait untill im out of school but im sorry I cant help then and there all I can... » Continue Reading
im inlove with this one person but they left school and they want to wait a year till i leave because they feel like its wierd witch im fully ok with but they seem distant for the past couple days they have senta total of 15 or less mesages to me and idk maybe im over reacting or over thinking it but all i want to do is talk to them or see them just make me feel like no one else has ever made me ... » Continue Reading
welll today was event full lol got beat up had my phone stolen got put on more meds i made new tshirts i found a new pet bug {his names gary} and i have heatstroke » Continue Reading