whoops please excuse my rather infrequent blog updates, i have a few bad grades so stuff has been getting taken as of recent. sorry yawl,,, even though i doubt that anyone reads these, i tend to treat these posts like i have an audience. (¬_¬") » Continue Reading
Whoops, forgot to write this yesterday!!! sorry i went to bed early I went to my CAP(Cadet Squadron thingy) meeting yesterday, and it was pretty cool but it left me EXHAUSTED. I go there every tuesday. But asides from that, nothing else noteworthy happened... Ill post the other blog entry after school lol » Continue Reading
life is horrible right now if im being completely honest. I skipped school today for my own wellbeing. I am really just trying to stay afloat. not much to say. [ 2/10/2025 ] » Continue Reading